Pizap on fb
Pizap on fb

pizap on fb

Quite a few are amusing time-wasters that can facilitate procrastination. Some are, again, all about that magic word: sharing. Some are simple assistants to help you with uploads or to show off your wares. Some are for your protection, checking your own profile page for potential problems. Chances are these apps are going to help you out. It doesn't matter what platform you're on, be it Windows or Mac or Ubuntu. This collection of 30 apps are all (well, mostly) tools you can use with the desktop version of Facebook itself.

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If an app or service lets you make something that is worth sharing—a photo, a video, a review, a playlist, or even an announcement that you watched the latest episode of Parks & Recreation—chances are it will let you share that info on Facebook.īut we're not talking about those kinds of apps. There's Pinterest, Spotify, TripAdvisor, and Hulu, to name of few. Sure, many Web-based apps take advantage of Facebook in some way. We always say "there's an app for that," but aside from some popular games, not everyone knows about the apps that are available on Facebook.

pizap on fb


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  • How to Record the Screen on Your Windows PC or Mac.
  • How to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3 Files.
  • How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill.
  • How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad.
  • How to Block Robotexts and Spam Messages.

  • Pizap on fb